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Calling All Participants!

UK NEQAS for H&I have been asked by the World Health Organization and its collaborative centre NIBSC to formally request your assistance in the establishment of the International Reference Reagents for anti-HLA Flow Cytometry Crossmatch (FCXM) and Luminex antibody Assays.

They are looking for participants to join an international collaborative study to test coded preparations of pooled sensitised and non-sensitised human plasma or sera with varying levels of alloreactivity using FCXM and Luminex antibody assays used to evaluate patient samples.

The samples will be distributed in May 2022.  Further details are provided in the documents below:


NIBSC Anti-HLA Study Invite Letter



Please contact Dr Anna Nowocin, Head of Flow Cytometry Standardisation at NIBSC via email: for more information and to register your interest.

1 Apr - News