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Register For Our Services

All Schemes are open to UK NHS and Private Sector clinical laboratories, research institutions, relevant manufacturers, and laboratories worldwide.

Participation in the UK NEQAS for H&I Scheme(s) may begin at any time during the year with pro rata charges being made. Participation will commence following the return of completed registration documents and the receipt of an

official purchase order number. Participation will commence with the next scheduled distribution provided that documents are received at least one week prior to the date of the next distribution.

Registration forms can be completed via the Participant’s Portal links below,  on the UK NEQAS for H&I website’s homepage, or by typing into your internet browser.


Laboratory Registration
Agent/Distributor Registration


Head to our portal login page, and select 'New Lab/Agent Registration'.

Participation is for a period of one year (e.g. April 2023 – March 2024). Annual re-registration takes place each year, with a notice to re-register via the Participant’s Portal issued to all existing participants before commencement of the new distribution year. It is the laboratory’s responsibility to ensure that all contact details, including the billing contact, are correct. If re-registration is not completed, your laboratory will not be able to submit results for inclusion in assessment and therefore no reports will be issued.  If your laboratory does not wish to continue participation a request to withdraw should be received in writing or submitted via the Participant’s Portal.  Any material sent in the meantime will be charged for.


By completing the registration process participants agree to abide by the conditions for participation and all other expectations as stated in this participant manual. UK laboratories also agree to abide by the QAPC Conditions of EQA Scheme Participation Guidelines.



Conditions For Participation


  • EQA samples must be tested and interpreted in an identical manner to a laboratory’s routine clinical samples.
  • Participants must inform UK NEQAS for H&I:
    • If the expected samples do not arrive
    • Reason(s) for failure to test EQA samples
  • Participants must complete registration documents on the Participant’s Portal, provide a purchase order number and ensure UK NEQAS for H&I are informed of any changes in contact information
  • Failure to pay subscription fees on presentation of an invoice will result in suspension from participation
  • Participants will be charged for all Schemes they receive samples for, regardless of whether they submitted results
  • Cancellation of participation must be in writing to the scheme office or via the Participant’s Portal
  • All reports and the data they contain are copyright and may not be published in any form without the permission of the Director
  • Collusion between laboratories is not allowed. If a laboratory was suspected of collusion, UK NEQAS for H&I would review the laboratory’s participation in its schemes
  • Information provided to UK NEQAS for H&I are confidential. However, anonymised results, method information and outcomes of sample assessment (Acceptable/Unacceptable classification) are available for all participants of a scheme to view in the Participant Portal. See the ‘Confidentiality’ section of the Participant Manual for full details.
  • UK laboratories agree to abide by the QAPC Conditions of EQA Scheme Participation.

If you have any issues during the registration process, then please contact us below and we will be happy to try and find a solution.


Contact us