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The 34th European Federation of Immunogenetics (EFI) and 31st British Society Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (BSHI) Joint Conference was held using an online platform on the 21st to 23rd April 2021.  UK NEQAS for H&I were pleased to support the conference as exhibitors with a virtual booth.  We also had two representatives at the conference.  Within the booth visitors could see a brief description of our services, view a video, download our Participant Manual and click on links to engage directly with us via email or a series of Teams meetings held during exhibition viewing periods.

UK NEQAS for H&I also had a number of e-posters on display at the conference covering just topics as ‘Variation in HLA Antibody Detection and Specification Results Between Kit Manufacturers in External Quality Assessment Schemes (HLA 2020, 95(4), 337)’ as well as ‘Differences in UK Unacceptable HLA Antigen Listing for Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation (HLA 2020, 95(4), 341)’.

The conference had an excellent attendance with over a 1000 attendees from nearly 70 countries.

NEQAS will continue to engage as an exhibitor at international conferences to engage with our participants and the wider scientific community.  We hope to see you at an upcoming conference soon!

17 Sep - News